3 Tech Questions Every CMO Should Consider

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a relatively new position on the managerial block, and as such, most are trying to find their footing and best ways to execute their duties all while being inundated from all corners with sales pitches of the latest and greatest technologies.

Pitches may come in the form of, "This is the best thing since sliced bread" or "This software will be the milk and honey of your marketing arm" but what if the company is allergic to gluten and has already switched to soy milk because its lactose intolerant? Here are three factors to consider before approaching a company with a suite of materials that are being pitched to enhance marketing needs.

What can we truly deliver from a technology and solution perspective?

In order to produce satisfied and repeat customers, the end result must come as close as possible to matching the solutions that were initially pitched. There will always be a gap between what was promised and what will be delivered thats the nature of sales but with a thorough understanding of the goals and applications/processes a company already has in place, you can narrow the divide.

Have you clearly defined your marketing solutions?

In the digital age, the line between marketing and consumer affairs has blurred. With the advent of social media, companies have to adjust its protocols to make these tools an asset before they become a liability. Has the organization taken these things into consideration and implemented solutions to address present market conditions? Companies can potentially see their reputation and bottom line drop, based on one viral post.

Does the company have its hand on the pulse of market trends?

Authenticity, credibility, engagement, and brand protection are the current trending buzzwords in the marketing world. Along with these ideals are indirect activities related to social responsibility. Has the company positioned itself to be a recognized leader on these platforms?

Consumers have been turned off by the "sell, sell, sell" advertising of yesteryear. Today's patrons want to feel they are helping promote a socially conscious organization that aids humanitarian causes. On the other end of the benefit spectrum is that it also boosts staff morale increasing the likelihood of employee brand advocacy.